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The 80’s brought interest to the Alexandria Bay and Ft. Drum area. Pine Tree Point joined our league, and Ft. Drum agreed to post a list of teams and contact information in case there was any interest. Belleville lost their home field and was forced to shoot all away matches. The formation of the “50 Club” had some members shooting 50 targets on league night. With their first 25 counted for their team score. “50 Club” members had to shoot five times to have their average count at the end of the year. The league Historian, Jim Rounds, recognized Harold Ramsdell as being the only original person still shooting in the NTTL, who had not missed a single shoot (1988). Unfortunately, Harold passed away a year later from a heart attack (1989) In 1984 a league record was set by Henderson who had fired 11 perfect matches. The Lyme Club hosted a traveling trophy shoot. In the early years the NTTL also had an "E" Class. Clubs included: Henderson, Carthage, Sackets Harbor, Macinist, Kingston, Pine Tree Point, Belleville, Adams Center, Lyme, Beaver River and Watertown.
Presidents: Bob Jank ('85,'86,'87), Dave DuLong ('88)
Secretary/Treasurer's: Mary VanTassel ('85,'86,'87), Diane Maitland ('88)



20th Anniversary of NTTL is celebrated by pins that were given to league members. Patches were also purchased to be sold. The Machinists leave the league (1992), but three new teams write letters of intent to join (1994). Fort Drum, Henderson, and Watertown were added making the total of 11 teams. Fort Drum only stays in the league a few years. For the 25th Anniversary, of the NTTL, Gene Remington makes a motion to purchase plaques for each league member who has been in the league the entire 25 years. Pins were also made and sold for $1.00 with the league absorbing the remainder of the cost. In 1997, the NTTL became incorporated. In memory of Bob Rarick Lyme proposes a trophy for most improved shooter.
NTTL members who passed away: Edgar Mason, Herb St. Lewis, Bob Rarick
Presidents: Robin Turck ('95,'96,'97,'99),  John Zehr ('94)  Rick Mothersell ('90,'91,'92,'93)
Vice Presidents: Lyle Covey ('97,'99,'00) Randy LaChausse ('95,'96) George Moulton ('94)  Bill Milton ('90,'91) Pat Putman('92,'93)
Secretary/Treasurers: Karen Turck ('97,'99), Travis Dann ('95,'96), Tim Wright ('90,'91,'92,'93,'94)



More teams leave and join. Due to new Canadian firearm laws Kingston is forced to leave the league. Pine Tree Point also leaves, and Belleville changes its name to Henderson. Three new teams, Sno Fun, Harrisville, and Brownville Fish and Game Club (used to be Machinists), are welcomed into the league. Travis Dann suggests making a Robin Turck Memorial trophy for the Top Gun. In 2002 there were a record amount of Ladies signed up- 19

Members who have passed away: Bruce Martin, Robin Turck, Walter C Ford Sr, Wes Alcombrack, Minnie Peck, Helen Blake, Terry Podolski, Bud Schmeer. Todd Wilder, Matt Netto Sr. 

President's: Robin Turck ('00,'01),  Randy LaChausse ('07,'08,'09),  George Moulton ('05,'06),  John Zehr ('02,'03,'04)  
Vice Presidents: Lyle Covey ('00,'01),  George Moulton ('03,'07,'08,'09)  Randy LaChausse ('04,'05,06), 
Secretary/Treasurers: Karen Turck ('00,'01,02)  Chuck Reay ('04,'05,'06,'08,'09,'10) Joanne Wilder ('03,'04)



In 2011 there were two big changes for the NTTL. The website was created, and Mel Bussler broadcasted our results on the Channel 7 News.  

2012 brings a new team to the NTTL.  Lowville Fish and Game Club officially joins to make a total of 10 teams.  At the end of the 2012 season a letter requesting Lyme Trap Team be reinstated was submitted.  Welcome back Lyme!  We currently have a total of 11 teams which means each team will have a 'bye' in the first and second half.  

2013 The first meeting of the season was held and things are under way for the start of the 2013 season!  NTTL Rules are now posted for members to review.  Please take the time to read and observe them this coming season.  The schedule for this year was resurrected out of the league files from 1986.  Essenlohr Motors out of Lowville purchased advertising to ensure the N.T.T.L spotlight on the Channel 7 News with Mel Busler.  A few changes will be made for the 2014 season.  Someone on the squad will have to sign the score sheet and both score sheets and squad sheets will be sent to the Secretary.  This hopefully will speed up corrections/omissions.  Teams who tie with a 125 will both receive 2 points.

Members who have passed away: Marlene Schmeer, Bob Nottell, Gilbert Adams, Lewis Cook II

2013 -14   Within a short amount of time three of our long time members passed away- Pete Kostyk, Gomer Williams, Vince Cumoletti and John Barney.  Again Essenlohr Motors out of Lowville purchased advertising time to ensure the N.T.T.L spotlight on Channel 7 news with Mel Busler.  Being on the news Friday nights sure seems to have boosted our membership.  The total for this year is 585 members, with Adams Center leading the way with just over 80 shooters.  The league sure is growing! 

New for 2015 Average sheets will be available for all clubs on the website.


We are taking advantage of having a website and have provided the NTTL Rules that can be downloaded under the "Information and League Rules" tab at the top right of the page.  This season all team average sheets will also be available for viewing and download.  Please remember to check your score on the official league sheet.   Some teams are also trying email for nightly score sheets.  We hope this makes the league more effective and easier, especially for the first half where people sign up every week.  Individual clubs are in the process of making 2nd trap fields (Harrisville & Lyme) and Watertown is still in the process of working on their new field.  League members will have membership cards professionally made this year as well receiving a 45 Year Anniversary Pin!

Essenlohr Motors out of Lowville is again purchasing advertising time to ensure our weekly scores are on the 6PM news on Channel 7 with Mel Busler.  

Essenlohr Motors again is sponsoring our Friday night scores with Mel Busler for the 2017 season.  Thank you Randy LaChausse!  Captain Bill Scott, Watertown Trap Team, requested a year off to work on Watertown's fields and find a new Captain as he is stepping down.  2017 will be a 10 team schedule which means we will be starting later in the Spring this year.  Team numbers have been re worked and all teams will have numbers 1-100.  



2018 2020


2021  This year the Covid-19 Pandemic was still ongoing. The first half of the season it was voted on by Captains to continue shooting the first 11 weeks at each team's home field. At the June Capains meeting, the Captains voted that it was safe enough for members to begin traveling again for the second half of the season. Traveling resumed for the first time since 2019. This year although only half of the season was traveling, all 22 weeks of competition were able to be held. Awards were given and a banquet was held.

For the first time ever, we decided to offer NTTL apparel with the brand new logo. There were online stores set up on the new website for members to purchase hoodies, t-shirts, and hats. We also decided to promote the new logo by printing up car stickers, each member was given a sticker with their NTTL membership payment. 

This year there were 477 adult members and 96 junior & sub-juniors, totaling 573 members.